
King's Champion

Created by Talon Strikes Studios

An exciting, hybrid Euro-style game of medieval jousting, with worker placement, resource management mechanics & innovative combat.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Rules Draft
over 6 years ago – Fri, May 25, 2018 at 08:43:03 PM

 Hello Strikers,

I have a draft of the rules here if you would like to look at them. This is the revised version. 8.5X11 version. It is in PDF form. If you have a suggestion please advise. Also like I had told some others this is still being edited. Some spelling errors may be in there and grammar too. I had enough folks ask for this so I want to provide it for them.



Please give feedback if you feel you would like too.

I still have a few playmats left and some knight expansions. Contact me through Kickstarter or email for the paypal details.

If you got your Knights expansion and there is something missing or damaged please contact me through Kickstarter or at [email protected]

Thank you 


Expansion Knights Shipping Complete
almost 7 years ago – Fri, May 18, 2018 at 11:24:48 PM

 Hello Strikers,

All of the Add-on Knights have been sent out. So now everything that was set to ship to backers has been sent! 

US backers give 7 to 10 days please. if you have not gotten the Knight Add-On after the end of next week contact me back so I can track it down for you.

EU, CAN, AUS and TW backers you packages are going out over the next two days. please allow up to 21 days to get your package. If after this time you still do not have your package, please contact me back so i can figure out where your package might be. 

I still have about 60 or so Knight Expansions and roughly 20 play mats left

Playmat - 30.00 USD 

Playmat shipping - US 8.00 / CAN 10.00 / EU 18.00 / Rest of the World 25.00

Knights Expansion - 15.00 USD

Expansion Shipping - US 4.25 / CAN 10.00 / EU 14.00 / Rest of the World 18.00

If you want both I will continue to offer the Backer kit price of 38.00 dollars for both, however shipping will be figured based on your location. 

if you are interested in either of these items or both just contact me and we can get the details figured out. 

I do not have an update on the rules revamp but I do not think it will be very long on those before they are edited and complete.

Thank you so very much for your continued support for Talon Strikes and King's Champion. 

now I can get to work for files for Vinyl. The backer kit for that is going to be up shortly and if you missed the Kickstater you can always late pledge with us. Thank you!

- Jason and the Talon Strikes Team

Expansion Knights SHIPPING FINALLY!
almost 7 years ago – Sun, May 06, 2018 at 09:05:31 PM

 Hello Strikers,

The Knights Expansion arrives on Tuesday! I will begin shipping next weekend. Once everything is shipped out I will post a follow up with the number of left over copies for those backers that might want to get them. 

King's Champion is officially sold out! 

I have about 30 of the play mats left if anyone is still wanting to get one just contact me and I can get you set up!

I completed the rules overhaul. They are being edited currently! Once that is completed I will update and post the link for them!

I did get some questions about a true expansion for the game. Yes there is a designed expansion for the game. It adds in horses and more power dice! Later this summer I will look to see if anyone is interested in play testing it. 

That is it for now, I am excited to finally get knights shipped out!

-The Talon Strikes Team

Expansion, Play mats and Vinyl
almost 7 years ago – Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 12:35:31 AM

 Hello Strikers,

I have some great things to share!


For those 174 folks who are awaiting the Knights expansion printing is wrapping up and the we will get ready to move to the shipping phase. So things are moving along after the Chinese New Year. I do not have dates yet but when I know you will know. Excited to get this buttoned up.

Play mats

I finally have the rest of the play mats at the Talon Strikes HQ. (aka Wash's House). Some folks expressed interest in getting a play mat. Please contact me at: 

[email protected]

the cost of the play mat is $30. I can let you know the cost of shipping when you contact me. I will help cover some of the shipping like I did through the campaign. While I cant pay for all the shipping, I will help cover some of it. Shipping will depend on where you are in the world. 


Everyone has been very gracious thank you. I am making a PDF of the revamped rulebook. I have updated the components and beefed up a few of the areas where more information was needed. The PDF will be 8 1/2 x 11. I will update everyone once this is complete.

Our Next Game


Vinyl is live on Kickstater and is a fabulous game about collecting vinyl records! It has mini guitars

 and we are working towards our 5th player only about 17 thumbs away on BGG

 click to thumb the image here

If you like worker placement and collection with some smooth mechanics come check out Vinyl

Click to check out Vinyl here

 Thank you so very much for all the support you have given Talon Strikes Studios.


Expansion Update / Shipping
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Mar 08, 2018 at 12:50:01 AM

 Hello Strikers!

All games have gone out. We had a few that were stolen and we replaced them. I had 62 games sent out by accident and we have recovered about half of those. If you got two games and should have only got one, this is the final call to return it. Ship Naked will send a label for you to return the extra game.

Contact Ship Naked here for a return label

If you still don't have your game please contact me at: [email protected]

So I can figure out where your game is. 


I approved the color and layout. Everything is moving along there as it should be.


There are enough issues that I am currently redoing the rule book. I should have it up online for download very soon. It will be bigger it will be better! For all the folks that send me messages and fixes thank you. 

I will send another update when I have the new rule book done.


In the next two weeks or so I should have all the play mats here at TSS HQ. I had to have them sent on to me from the fulfillment center. I will send an update with info for those folks that wish to pick one up. I will check shipping and should be able to tell you before hand what shipping would be on them based on your location.


Thank you so very much. I got great feedback on the game, pictures of folks playing and some accounts of blasting rivals knights with lots of dice. Talon Strikes Studios is not a big company. Just me mostly and a few folks that help me out of the goodness of their hearts. I do still work full time at my day job! thank you for everything you have done for this company as backers. I have published a few games now and will launch my next game on March 19. This is a collection game about collecting vinyl records in a record store. I would love to have everyone join us for our next publication:

Catch you on the flip side!
